To use or not to use … that is the question!

By entering and using this website, you automatically agree to these Terms of Use. If you don’t agree (or just don’t feel like it), then please feel free to not use this site. It’s that simple.

Use at Your Own Risk
By using any service here, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE TAKING FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND USING THIS SITE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I am not responsible for any mishaps, malfunctions, or general life chaos that may result from your usage of this site. You’ve been warned!

For Peaceful Personal Use Only
This content is for personal, peaceful use by peaceful people. No blocking, no editing, and definitely no commercial exploitation allowed.

Changes to These Terms
I reserve the right to change these terms whenever I feel like it. I probably won’t let you know when I do, so it’s your job to check back occasionally. Surprises are fun, right?

Commercial Use? Nope!
In case it wasn’t clear: You are not allowed to use or exploit any of the content here commercially. And if anything goes wrong while you’re here… well, that’s your problem. Don’t come crying to me.

Logging & Security
Your traffic on this site may (and probably will) be logged. I may store records of what happens here for security, development, or just for fun – who knows? You should assume everything you do here is being watched. Not by Big Brother, but by me. You’re welcome.

Personal Information
I’m not here to collect your personal info unless you feel like sharing it (and by “sharing,” I mean “contacting me”). If you do, be smart about it – don’t go handing out your secrets to just anyone, including me. If you submit personal info, I’ll handle it as I see fit, but don’t worry, I’m not selling your soul to the devil (yet). Relax!

Final Word
Have fun, life’s too short to get bogged down in legal jargon!

… be warned and good luck!