Do you provide any support?

No. Absolutely not. This is a DIY experience. You’re on your own!

One of the features is broken, will you fix it?

Maybe… If it captures my interest, and I’m not too busy binge-watching something or doing literally anything else.

Is there a way to get rid of the ads?

I don’t offer any fancy memberships or ad-free subscriptions. But feel free to use an ad blocker if the ads drive you nuts. Just be aware, I might block you back – ads keep this playground running, after all.

I would like to use your features for a website or app, will you share?

Everything I’m willing to share is already on this site. Once upon a time, there was API access, but it turned out to be more trouble than it was worth. So, no more of that.

Are you insane?

There’s no medical evidence to suggest this, but who knows? I’ll leave that to your own judgment.