Last Updated On 14-Aug-2023, Effective Date 14-Aug-2023

Welcome to my Privacy Policy—because I legally have to tell you what I do with all the juicy data you leave behind while using my websites, / (aka “the Service,” because repeating URLs is exhausting).

By clicking, scrolling, or even just existing on the Service, you’re giving me the thumbs up to collect, use, and maybe even show off your info to people who matter (kidding… mostly). If this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to close your browser, disconnect from the internet, and maybe go touch some grass.

I might change this policy whenever I feel like it, without warning you first. The updated version will be live 180 days after I sneak it onto the Service, and if you’re still around after that, that’s your way of saying “Sure, no biggie.”

Let’s break down what I do with your precious data:

1. How I Use Your Information:

I collect your data because… well, what else am I supposed to do? Here’s what it’s used for:

  1. Administration info – You know, keeping the site running without falling apart.
  2. Targeted advertising – Yes, those oddly specific ads that seem to know too much.
  3. Site protection – Because I’d rather not get hacked, and you probably wouldn’t enjoy that either.

If I ever want to use your data for something wackier, I’ll ask you first (like, “Hey, can I use your info for this?”). I’ll only proceed if you say yes—or if the law says I have to.

2. Your Rights:

Depending on what laws apply to you, you might have some cool rights, like:

  • Access your data – Want to see what I’ve collected? Sure, take a look.
  • Fix your data – If I butchered your name, you can make me fix it.
  • Erase your data – Want to vanish from my database? Go for it.
  • Restrict or object – Not vibing with how I use your data? Tell me to stop.
  • Data portability – Need your info sent somewhere else? I’ll help (within reason).
  • Withdraw consent – Change your mind? I’ll stop using your data—but good luck using the site without it.

To use any of these rights, drop me an email at perbang @ I’ll do my best to get back to you as soon as I can. But let’s be real: if you don’t let me collect or use your data, some parts of the site might stop working. Fair warning!

3. Cookies & Friends:

Yep, I use cookies. Not the fun kind you eat, but the ones that track your movements on the site. Want to know more? Check out my Cookie Policy for all the crunchy details.

4. Security:

I’m all about keeping your data as safe as possible—like a digital bouncer protecting the VIP section. But let’s be real, the internet is full of surprises, and I can’t guarantee 100% security. If you send me your info, you do it at your own risk. You’ve been warned.

5. Grievance / Data Protection Officer:

If you’ve got issues with how I handle your data, feel free to reach out to my designated complaint-handler-in-chief at:
Andersrudveien 1, NO-1914 Ytre Enebakk, Norway
Email: perbang @

I’ll deal with your concerns as quickly as the law requires. Just don’t expect miracles via snail mail.