Sweet, Crumbly, and Unavoidable

Yes, this site uses cookies. No, not the chocolate chip kind (unfortunately). These cookies are the little digital crumbs that help keep this site running smoothly (or as smoothly as possible). By using this site, you’re agreeing to their existence – whether you like it or not.

What Do These Cookies Do?

Glad you asked! Here’s a breakdown:

  • Google Ads: These cookies are here to show you ads, hopefully for things you don’t completely hate. They also help keep the lights on around here. Without ads, this site might just disappear into the void of the internet.
  • Google Analytics: These cookies help me figure out how many of you are wandering around this site, what you’re clicking on, and how long you’re hanging out. Don’t worry, I’m not watching your every move (I leave that to Google). It’s mostly about stats and numbers, which I probably check when I’m bored.
  • Cloudflare Insights (disabled atm.): These cookies make sure the site doesn’t crash and burn (which is always nice). They help with performance, speed, and keeping everything in one piece.

What Does This Mean for You?

These cookies might collect some anonymous data about your visit – like which pages you visited, how long you stayed, or whether you took a wrong turn on your way here. Nothing too personal, though. I don’t know your deepest secrets (unless you choose to share them in an email, but that’s a different story).

Can You Opt-Out?

If you’re really not into the whole cookie thing, you can block them using your browser settings or an ad blocker. Just know that doing so might make the site less functional. Who knows? Maybe the buttons will stop working. Maybe the layout will break. Maybe the ads will disappear (lucky you). But hey, that’s your call!

Final Word

Cookies help me keep this site alive, functional, and slightly less chaotic. So, if you can, let them do their thing. If not, well… I tried.